Purpose of a Water Management Plan
The purpose of a water management plan (WMP) is to minimize the risk for Legionella associated with building water systems. The plan is based on a framework outlined in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 188 Legionellosis: Risk Management for Building Water Systems.
An effective WMP will include a consistent and ongoing process of analysis and remediation. We can help you outline a plan for your facility:

4 Steps to a WMP
1. Form A Team: To manage and enforce your WMP
2. Analyze: Conduct a risk assessment and analysis
3. Test: Perform regular water treatment and Legionella testing
4. Correct: Remediate accordingly to correct issues
Healthy Water Management Reduces Risk and Improves Safety
Watertech can help you outline a plan that ensures compliance! Watertech has worked with healthcare facilities over 35 years to help minimize risk and improve water safety for both patients and employees. At Watertech, our goal is to protect your bottom line while making water safety a top priority.

Watertech is a resource for all of your water related needs.
Please reach out with questions about your system or request more information about setting up a Water Management Plan.
Each facility is unique. The best way to address your needs is by conducting a site visit. Please click the link below, fill out the form and one of our Technical Engineers will be in touch.