Now is the time to start thinking about preparing your Cooling Tower for the upcoming cooling season. Proper preparation will save time and insure the smooth running of the system through peak demand periods. Our previous blog dealt with reviewing proper procedures with operating personnel and getting the actual Cooling Tower ready. The following checklists deal with the water treatment involved with preparing the towers for start up.
- Operate all chemical bleed and feed equipment to assure proper operation.
- Chemically test the system water for proper bleed rate and treatment levels.
- Adjust the controls to obtain proper operation.
- Visually inspect the open portions of the system for evidence of corrosion, scale or slime and algae growth.
- Slug feed biocide and antifoam to control slime and algae growth.
- Conduct microbiological test.
- Furnish a written report of the test and inspection results including recommendations.
- Inventory the remaining water treatment chemicals and re-order as required.
- Chemically test the system water for proper treatment levels.
- Adjust the treatment level for proper operation.
- Furnish a written report of the test and inspection results including recommendations.
- Conduct microbiological tests.
Proper preparation is the key to making the cooling season trouble-free and insure smooth running of the system through peak demand periods. Summer will be here before you know it!