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Modern Cooling Tower Considerations: Sustainability & Efficiency
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Modern Cooling Tower Considerations: Sustainability & Efficiency
This article from ChemInfo discusses the sustainability and operational benefits of molded, HDPE cooling towers.
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Welcome Connor Keast – Water Treatment Sales Engineer
Welcome Connor Keast – Water Treatment Sales Engineer
Welcome Mike Spaeth - Sales Manager
Welcome Mike Spaeth - Sales Manager
Welcome Rebecca Goss - Procurement Manager
Welcome Rebecca Goss - Procurement Manager
Welcome Dominic Cavalieri - Field Service Technician
Welcome Dominic Cavalieri - Field Service Technician
Welcome Tina Grimmer - Controller
Welcome Tina Grimmer – Controller
Big Cup Golf - Ukraine Benefit
Happy to sponsor and be part of the Big Cup golf event to benefit Ukraine
Watertech Collects 504lbs for Feeding America
Watertech Supports Feeding America of Eastern Wisconsin
Welcome Jake Morrison
Welcome Jake Morrison, Equipment Product Manager
Welcome Ed Dimler
Welcome Ed Dimler, Watertech Sales Engineer, Northeast Iowa
Welcome Bill Holzbach
Welcome Bill Holzbach, Watertech Applications Specialist – Pretreatment Equipment
EndoTherm Webinar
Save up to 15% on energy costs. EndoTherm can be installed into ANY hydronic heating, process, and chilled loop system.
Water Quality and Your Business: Tips for Re-opening After Closure
Technical document with tips for reopening a building after closure.
Welcome Dennis Kwasny
Welcome Dennis Kwasny, Central WI Territory Rep
Water Treatment Media Review
An article from Water Conditioning & Purification that highlights various filtration media, their performance properties and best applications.
CMS Mandates Water Management Programs
Tufts University School of Medicine found that more than 617,000 hospitalizations from 1991 to 2006 were related to three common opportunistic waterborne pathogens.
National Healthcare Safety Network Surveys
Download the annual surveys from the CDC's National Healthcare Safety Network.
Watertech is Proud to Support CW4K
Watertech is Proud to Support CW4K
CMS Requires Water Management Plans
CMS says WMP's are necessary to be compliant.
CMS Requirement to Reduce Legionella Risk
CMS Memo to State Survey Directors
CDC Toolkit for Legionella Water Management Plans
This toolkit is designed to help people understand which buildings and devices need a Legionella water management program to reduce the risk for Legionnaires’ disease.
Emulsion Polymers in Dairy Wastewater Pretreatment
3 Key factors to consider when feeding an emulsion polymer.
CDC VitalSigns 2017
Legionaires' Disease – A problem for health care facilities.
WTeService Learn More About v3.0
Exciting new updates to WTeService.
CWT Brochure
When you see CWT you have one of the industry’s best working for you.
AWT Code of Ethics
Certified Water Technologists Code of Ethics
AWT Environmental Statement
AWT Environmental Statement The Association of Water Technologies (AWT) is an association of over 500 U.S. and international water treatment companies that provide water treatment programs for many diverse institutional, commercial and industrial water users.
U.S. Utility Executives' Water Worries
An article from Forbes addressing the importance of water to utility industry executives.
BSRIA Building Energy Consumption Guide
A guide describing a process for assuring that building design intention matches actual energy consumption.
Water Hardness Map
Map of the U.S. identifying the hardness of water in milligrams per liter in specific locations.
Improve Efficiency for Gas-Fired Boilers
Guidelines to improve boiler performance allowing you to achieve more cost effective maintenance of a steam system.
5 Effective Heat Recovery Scenarios
Five examples of how a plate heat exchanger can provide benefits for process heating applications.
Legionella & Legionellosis Prevention
Legionella guide from the World Health Organization.
EPA Boiler Emission Rules
Environmental Protection Agency rules governing large and small boilers used at area source facilities.
Avoiding Fouled Exchangers
Causes and solutions to fouling in heat exchangers.
Optimize Heat Exchangers
Strategies to optimize heat exchanger efficiency.
Chemically Treat Water to Control Problems
Identifying problems that a good water management system can control.
Importance of Boiler Logs
Boiler logging will reduce accidents, downtime, and equipment loss.
Water Maintenance and Boiler Scaling
Scale in boiler water systems is a very common issue. Consult with water treatment specialists to treat and prevent it.
Suggested Daily Boiler Log Program
A list of instrument readings to be taken daily and recorded in your boiler log.
Energy Management Basics
Energy management basics that should be a part of your everyday checklist routine.
Installation of Safety Valves
Partial listing of sizing and installation highlights for steam pressure system safety valves.
Guide to 50% Energy Savings
Guide to achieving 50% energy savings toward a net-zero energy building.
Water Treatment in Closed Systems
A guide to understanding chemical water treatment in cooling and boiler water systems.
Understanding Boiler Conductivity
A brief guide to better understanding boiler water conductivity.
Cooling Equipment Fall Shutdown
Information for proper fall shutdown of cooling equipment.
Building Energy Reduction Measures
Decrease your energy costs by using these proven effective guidelines.
Limit Water and Energy Use
Solutions for water use and energy reduction in order to increase your bottom line and protect the environment.
Ethanol Producer Water Conservation
Ideas to limit water use in ethanol production utilizing a "reduce, reuse, recycle" frame of mind.
Understanding the Water Footprint
Understanding our water footprint in order to better conserve water.
Reduce Costs with Step-down Filtration
Filtration using step-down particle retention can help reduce operating costs and achieve cleaner solutions.
Modern Chemistry and Industrial Water Treatment
Innovative chemistries, optimization of systems and water conservation as these topics relate to scale, corrosion and microbiological prevention.
Facilities Management - Benchmarking Systems
Benefits of online benchmarking systems for facilities management.
Why Know the Cost of Steam?
Knowing the cost of steam to improve your bottom line.
Energy Metrics for Buildings
Understanding energy metrics to limit energy use.
Saving Water in Dairy Operations
New ways to save water in dairy processing.
Facilities Energy Management
Energy reduction strategies for optimizing your bottom line.
5 Tips for Improving Safety Performance
Five helpful tips for integrating environment, health and safety into company culture.
Choosing a Chemical Feed Pump
Different selections of pumps for boiler water applications.
Zero Blowdown in Cooling Water Systems
Reduce your blowdown need to zero and cycle water without limit.
Boiler System Key Performance Indicators
Identifying key components of the boiler system and how water chemistry relates to Key Performance Indicators.
Piping Dead-Legs Warnings
Piping dead-legs, source of plant maintenance and safety incidents.
Starting a Boiler after Lay-Up
Necessary steps that need to be taken prior to starting boilers after a lay-up period.
Operating Cooling Towers in Freezing Weather
Ice control and different ice formations in various types of cooling towers.
Saving Water to Save Energy
Important connections and opportunities between water and energy.
Importance of Boiler Water Treatment
Water Quality Guidelines
Guidelines for maintaining optimal water quality in evaporation cooling equipment.
Cooling Tower Maintenance Check List
A checklist for monthly cooling tower maintenance.
Conversion Factors
Table of conversion factors.
Building-Associated Legionnaires Disease
10 ways that you can save time and money, prevent litigation and illness, and maybe even save a life as they relate to Legionella.
Minimizing Energy Costs with Free Cooling
Free cooling helps you reduce refrigeration energy consumption by using evaporative cooling equipment to produce chilled water in cool weather.
Boiler Logs Can Reduce Accidents
Explaining the different types of boiler logs, what these logs can tell you, and who is all responsible for these logs.
Primer on Polymer Handling
Benefits of using liquid polymers in water-treatment applications and accommodating their unique characteristics.
What to Consider When Selecting Green Cooling Towers
Criteria you should consider when evaluating your next cooling tower purchase.
Plants Often Miss Opportunities to More Fully use Hot Water
Tips from Chemical Processing to make fullest use of its hot water, and thus cutting energy consumption.
How To Destroy a Boiler Part 1
Part 1 - Describing some potentially catastrophic events that power and recovery boilers are prone to if not properly maintained.
How to Destroy a Boiler Part 2
Part 2 - Describing some potentially catastrophic events that power and recovery boilers are prone to if not properly maintained.
How to Destroy a Boiler Part 3
Part 3 - Describing some potentially catastrophic events that power and recovery boilers are prone to if not properly maintained.
Water Management Guide
General water management guide for facility managers.
Energy Savings in Large Office Buildings
Strategies for reducing energy savings in large office buildings by up to 50%.
Modern Cooling Tower Considerations: Sustainability & Efficiency
Sustainable and operational benefits of molded, HDPE cooling towers.
Preventing Boiler Scale
Maintenance requirements to prevent scale from occurring in your boiler.
Water Optimization in Chemical Plants
Optimization efforts taken by several chemical manufacturers to reduce their water footprint.
How to Improve Cooling Tower Efficiency
Understanding the key components of cooling towers and how to improve water efficiency.
Preventing Legionellosis Part 1
How to prevent/minimize Legionella in your water systems.
Unlocking the Power of the Knowledge Center
Watertech's Knowledge Center is a one-stop resource for anyone involved in water treatment.
The Often-Overlooked Key to Cooling Tower Efficiency: Proper Filtration
Filtration is a vital part of both cooling tower operation.
Are You Paying to Remove Excess Water with Your Sludge?
Sludge containing extra water increases your disposal costs.
Breaking Through Complacency
The Hidden Benefits of a Fresh Perspective in Water Treatment.
Watertech Prioritizes Water Stewardship
Few things are as important as water.
What are the benefits and downfalls of corrosion coupons?
Corrosion coupons are a good predictive maintenance tool.
Bioaugmentation, moving “bugs” from skepticism to supported by science
Bioaugmentation can achieve excellent results.
Staying connected. AI is changing how we work, but not how we connect with customers.
Watertech leverages AI to manage data, but strives to maintain a personal connection.
Aquassist, Revolutionizing Water Treatment: The Dawn of Smart Water Testing
Aquassist is a groundbreaking smart water testing tool that will revolutionize how you validate your system’s water quality.
Time for Boiler Layup / Cooling Tower Start-up
Seasonal maintenance helps maintain equipment and improve efficiency.
Account Audits Improve Efficiency and Performance
An account audit helps maintain the success of a water treatment program.
Is it important to be a Certified Water Technologist?
The importance of becoming a Certified Water Technologist
Maximize the Potential of Pretreatment
Maximize the Potential of Pretreatment
Aquafilm 1284C: Defending Against Closed Loop Corrosion
Aquafilm 1284C treats metal surfaces and not the water to help solve corrosion issues in closed loops.
Polydose Fluorescent Tagged Polymers, a Game Changer in Water Treatment
Watertech's Polydose line of products improves the efficiency and maintenance of cooling water systems.
My water system is scaled up! What should I do to prevent cooling tower or boiler scale?
Learn how to prevent cooling tower or boiler scale.
Knock Knock – Is Anyone Mahomes?
If you want to be the MVP at your facility, huddle up and collaborate with your team.
Reverse Osmosis Troubleshooting: 4 Common Issues
RO systems require regular maintenance to maintain their efficiency and effectiveness.
Fat, Oil, and Grease – The Biological Systems' Nemesis
How to handle large volumes of FOG in your waste stream.
Can one product really treat your boiler as effectively as 3 traditional chemistries?
Learn how Aquafilm effectively treats systems and helps save on energy and water usage.
Side Stream Filtration Improves Water and Energy Efficiency
Several items should be considered when specifying the proper side stream filtration system.
STOP! Don’t throw your water treater under the bus.
5 Things operators ignore, then look to blame on their water treater.
How important is safety when handling your water treatment chemicals?
When working with chemicals, it is important to understand safety procedures and what to do in the event of a chemical release.
Beverage company finds tarnishing on aluminum cans. Technology + Experience = Quick resolution.
Anybody can sell a tool, learning how to use it is the key!
The Food Industry – Wastewater/water treatment and the effects of COVID. Where is the industry headed?
The food and beverage industry is growing, and the demand for water treatment is growing with it.
What are your goals?
This is a great time to review accomplishments and plan for the new year.
Help, my energy costs are through the roof!
A few adjustments to your boiler or cooling system can save a significant amount of energy.
Phosphonate (PBTC) – The Phosphorus Removal Nemesis
Phosphonates can make meeting phosphorus discharge limits even more challenging.
Troubled by Weird Water Quality?
Learn what to do when you encounter unexpected results with your system's water quality.
Are you experiencing subcooling in your heat exchanger?
Learn about the negative effects of sub cooled condensate in your heat exchanger.
The Importance of Kinetic Leadership in the Workplace
Kinetic leaders can help their organization easily pivot and respond to challenges.
Preparing Yourself for Supply Chain Challenges in Water Treatment
Now is the time to work with your provider to come up with a contingency plan for supply chain challenges.
Oxidizing Biocides and Disinfectants – Applications, Benefits and Best Practices
Biocides can be used for many applications including healthcare, food & beverage, industrial, and commercial. Choosing the proper disinfection technology is critical.
How Smart is Your Water System?
Advanced water treatment sensors can improve system performance.
Cooling Tower Cleanings are Necessary for a Safe System
Cooling tower cleanings are essential for maintaining a safe and healthy cooling system.
Boiler Inspection Time – Where is the Water Treatment Representative?
Boiler inspection time is validation time. This is the best opportunity to see how your water treatment program is working.
Avoid Giving Your Coils the Deep Freeze This Winter!
Now is the time to ensure your system's HVAC coils are freeze protected and working properly. A frozen coil not only causes water damage, there is also the replacement cost and downtime for repairs when it is least convenient.
How can you create predictable results from your water treatment program?
If you want to achieve predictable results from your water treatment program, you need a 3-pronged approach.
Save Energy and Reduce Carbon Footprint With EndoTherm
EndoTherm is an additive that is proven to reduce energy usage in heating and cooling closed loop recirculating systems.
Are You Ready for Cooling Layup / Boiler Startup?
Being proactive and thorough in your approach to maintenance saves time and money in the long run.
Are your cooling towers driving you buggy?
How to manage bacterial growth in cooling towers.
Aquafilm-V: Impact at a Wood Processing Facility
Aquafilm-V delivers some dramatic results and improvements.
Supply Chain Challenges and the Ripple Effect on Water Treatment
Many businesses are experiencing delays, shortages and price increases in the wake of the pandemic.
PFAS/PFOS: What is the real impact of “Forever Chemicals”?
The regulations are coming. What are you going to do about PFAS / PFOS?
The City put Chlorine into the water and now you need to remove it, sound familiar?
If you are relying on a municipal water source a dechlorination process may be necessary prior to discharge.
FreedomPlus Pretreatment
Is Your Plant’s Pre-Treatment Equipment A Top Priority? For Watertech, it is!
Reducing Legionella Risk: How and When to Address Water Safety in Buildings With Reduced Use
Guidance and recommended actions for returning water systems to regular use.
Why Choose a Full-service Water Treatment Partner?
Watertech offers a complete range of flexible business solutions to manage our customers’ needs.
Have You Set Your 2021 Sustainability Goals?
Watertech offers products and solutions to help meet your sustainability efforts.
What is the cost of feeding soft vs hard water to an RO?
Use these calculations to help determine if it might be time to consider using an Anti-Scalant.
Shutdown Recommendations and Procedures for HVAC Cooling Towers
HVAC cooling tower shutdown and cleaning recommendations from Watertech, OSHA, CDC and CTI.
Reduce Legionella Risk: Steps to Safely Reopen Closed or Semi-open Buildings
Stagnant water in a plumbing system can drastically increase the risk of exposure to Legionella and other harmful water borne pathogens.
Watertech: Swipe right to build a great vendor relationship!
Watertech: Swipe right to build a great vendor relationship!
What is the Impact of an RO System on a Boiler Water Treatment Program?
What is the Impact of an RO System on a Boiler Water Treatment Program?
Increase Condensate Return, Increase Savings
Improving condensate return can save on water, energy and chemicals.
The Impact of Stagnant Water on Industrial and Potable Water Systems
The Impact of Stagnant Water on Industrial and Potable Water Systems
Why should water treatment automation be a top priority?
Why should water treatment automation be a top priority?
40 Years of Maximizing Water’s Potential
Happy 40th Anniversary Watertech!
Boiler Corrective Actions
How to manage your boiler system when results are out of range.
Give Thanks for Water
Give Thanks for Water
5 Deaerator Problems and Corrective Actions
5 Deaerator problems to watch for to help ensure high quality feed water.
Softeners and Dealkalizers – does the salt you use make a difference?
Learn how the salt you choose can have a significant impact on system performance.
Tired of treating your water? Add a protective film to your system!
Filming agents prevent scale and corrosion by forming a protective layer on all metal surfaces.
Sensor Care and Cleaning
Tips to keep sensors clean and working effectively to help avoid operational challenges that are costly to correct.
Working with Water – Careers in the Water Industry
The number one threat to business development is access to fresh water. This has prompted more to seek careers in the water industry.
Cooling Corrective Actions
How to manage your cooling system when results are out of range.
Water Treatment Equipment – Innovation and Advancements
Advancements and innovations in water treatment equipment and controllers make life easier, but more importantly, provide ways to achieve better and more accurate results.
Boiler Blow Down Prevents Scale and Corrosion
When boiler water turns to steam solids are left behind. Bottom blowdown and surface blowdown are two methods to reduce solids and help maintain your system.
Side Stream Filtration
Side stream filtration is an important but often overlooked component of an effective cooling water treatment program.
New Year’s Resolutions for Industrial Water Treatment
January is a great time to reassess business strategies and include some water treatment resolutions that could improve the health of your company.
Water-Energy Nexus – Save water. Save energy.
Water and energy are very much interrelated and dependent upon one another, this co-dependency is called the Water-Energy Nexus.
Pulse~Pure® – A Chemical-Free Water Treatment Solution
Are you considering a chemical-free, cooling water treatment solution? It is important to fully understand your system design and the unique characteristics of your application when making a decision.
CannedWater4Kids – Drinking Water with a Purpose
Canned Water for Kids (cW4K) is a great local charity that is making a global impact to help ensure all children have access to clean, safe drinking water.
How to Make the Right Call When Ordering Glycol?
Ordering and receiving a glycol delivery should be a fairly straightforward and easy process; however, it takes some insight and planning to avoid complications.
Chloride Reduction Can Reduce Operating Costs & Minimize Impact on the Environment
Making changes in how you use salt in your facility can help protect our fresh water resources, and potentially reduce your operating costs.
The Hard Facts: Water Softener Tune-ups Help Maximize Water Quality and Reduce Cost!
Softeners are a critical component to the water treatment system. They help remove minerals to reduce scale and build-up in piping and heat transfer equipment.
Do You Know "Sloppy Sludge" from Shinola?
Sloppy sludge is a challenge in wastewater treatment. It pays to be informed on treatment equipment and how chemicals can impact this process.
What are Top Reasons an Organization Should Prioritize Safety?
Having a team that has been trained in proper safety procedures and practices ensures not only their own safety, but also the safety of customers.
The Impact of Switching to Lake Michigan Water on Waukesha’s Commercial & Industrial Users
The water characteristics of Waukesha’s existing water supply and Lake Michigan water are quite different and will require users to consider how they manage their boiler and cooling water water treatment..
How to Install and Maintain Boiler Conductivity Electrodes
Learning how to properly install and maintain your boiler conductivity electrode will help improve the performance of your boiler.
12 Days of Service
A holiday blog highlighting 12 days of service in the water industry. Happy 2017. Thank you for your partnership.
Have You Hugged Your Boiler Today?
How you maintain and operate your steam boiler has a direct effect on the amount of energy, water and chemicals it uses.
When Good Boilers Go Bad. Common Problems that Shorten the Life of Your Boiler!
This article outlines a few common problems that can damage or destroy a boiler. Providing proper water treatment and regular maintenance can help prolong equipment life.