Why does Legionella bacteria form in cooling towers?
Cooling towers work with the use of a fan that pushes air through a recirculating water system. A substantial amount of water vapor and sizable droplets collect and disperse from the cooling tower environment. Cooling towers have a mechanism called a drift eliminator which is supposed to prevent water vapor from leaving the cooling towers, however not all drift eliminators can prevent all water droplets from escaping and vapor may emit into surrounding environment.
Unfortunately this water vapor is usually the perfect temperature for Legionella bacteria to grow. (about 20-45 degrees celsius) Prevention of water vapor escaping a cooling tower isn't always possible so chemicals need to be introduced.
How can Watertech improve system efficiency and water quality?
Watertech's experts combine inhibitors, microbiocides and dispersants with proper support and automation to ensure your business is in compliance with standards. Watertech will help to protect their customer's public health and safety liability. Watertech makes sure their systems run at peak efficiency.
Cooling tower efficiency is best maintained by experts. This is why it is essential to consider Watertech's Freedom Plus delivery program. With Freedom Plus, an automatic level sensor will indicate when service is needed, then a hired delivery specialist will bring chemicals to your facility and and safely remove empty containers so our customers don't have to. This service allows customers a peace of mind knowing that they will not have to figure out when to service their towers allowing Watertech to worry about prevention of Legionella so they won't have to. Bonus, these well maintained water systems will run at peak levels saving customers money in the long run.