Since 1980 Watertech has relied on liquid chemicals to optimize the water treatment programs for cooling towers. However, we recognize a shift in our customers’ culture and corporate philosophies – to become more sustainable. This shift leads to the development and use of more environmentally-friendly technologies. Chemical-free cooling tower treatment systems have been around for years, but success with many of these systems was rare. However, this technology has improved and is gaining traction. Watertech realizes the trend for sustainability and environmentally-friendly solutions and embraces innovative and emerging technology. What better way to help our customers make informed choices than educating them on the full-range of options available.
Watertech was selected by Evapco as one of their top tier Pulse~Pure® water treatment partners. When the chemical-free Pulse~Pure® systems are installed in our region, Watertech is responsible for evaluating, testing, and maintaining these systems. This month we are going to share information about Evapco’s chemical-free treatment solution, Pulse~Pure®.
Pulse~Pure® is an environmentally responsible solution that has been gaining in popularity. The system utilizes pulsed-power technology to control scale, corrosion and microbiological growth. Since the system does not use chemicals, there are no harmful byproducts.
How does Pulse~Pure work?
Recirculated water from the cooling system passes through a chamber where it is exposed to high-frequency pulsed electric fields. This electromagnetic energy tackles scale, microbiological growth and corrosion issues.
Pulsed-power Controls Mineral Scale
The pulsed-power technology introduces electromagnetic fields into the cooling water. This energy forms “seed crystals” from suspended particles. The calcium carbonate in the water precipitates onto the “seed crystals” instead of adhering to system surfaces. The calcium carbonate eventually settles out in the basin, resulting in clean heat transfer.
Pulsed-power Reduces Microbiological Growth
Microbiological growth is controlled through agglomeration and electroporation. Agglomeration is where the systems electromagnetic energy forms seed crystals that trap small particles, bacteria and calcium carbonate. The trapped bacteria cannot grow and eventually becomes inert. Electroporation is where the electric fields cause damage to the bacteria’s cell wall, making it difficult for the bacteria to reproduce. This technology is not species-specific so bacteria will not adapt in response to the treatment.
How can you decide if Pulse~Pure is right for your system?
The number one thing to remember when looking at cooling solutions, is that each situation is different. You need to understand which treatment options are available, but you also need to fully understand your system design and the unique characteristics of your application. Since each situation comes with its own set of variables and circumstances, what may work well in one case may not be ideal in another.
Why Would a Chemical Company Highlight A Chemical-Free System?
Although chemicals are a large part of our business, at Watertech we pride ourselves on being “More than a water treatment solution.” What does it mean to be More than a water treatment solution?
It means we:
- Always consider our customer’s needs first
- Take a consultant’s approach to how we do business
- Understand that each situation and application is unique and requires a unique solution
- Build trusted partnerships
- Are a full-service provider – including chemicals, equipment, service and support
- Provide ongoing classes and training to help support your team
- Stay current with what is happening in the water treatment industry – even when those solutions do not rely on traditional chemistry
If you would like to learn more about Pulse~Pure® go to
Evapco Pulse~Pure® Water Treatment System. If you would like to evaluate your options for treating your cooling water, reach out to Watertech at 414-425-3339 or