While much of the earth’s surface is covered with water only about 1% is suitable for human use. Unfortunately, fresh water is not distributed evenly, so some have access to a considerable supply, while others have little or none. As the world’s population continues to grow, the amount of available fresh water remains the same. At Watertech of America, Inc. we are grateful to live in a water rich area and want to do whatever we can to help those who do not have the same access.
A few years ago we learned about CannedWater4Kids (cW4K), a charitable organization based in Sussex, WI. Like Watertech, cW4K realizes just how precious water is. They are working to ensure all children have access to clean safe water. We love their mission and wanted to let you know a little more about their great work.
Who is CannedWater4Kids?
cW4K is a 501c3 non-profit charity with a mission to ensure all children have access to clean, safe drinking water.
How doesCannedWater4Kids raise funds?
cW4K raises funds through private donations, grants, product sponsors and the sale of drinking water packaged in sustainable aluminum cans and bottles. cW4K drinking water is tagged “Drinking Water with a Purpose” – the cW4K canned water line acts as a vehicle to spread the message and garner support while at the same time raising funds to help those in need.
How does CannedWater4Kids help those in need?
There are many viable solutions to our world’s water crisis. The best solution depends on the situation. cW4K vets out organizations and distributes resources where they are needed most. Some of the groups and projects that cW4K provides resources and assistance to are:
Does CannedWater4Kids help locally?
Yes. After recent hurricanes cW4K sent truckloads of drinking water to Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico and also to help with the water crisis in Flint, Michigan.
What are some upcoming initiatives that are in the pipeline for CannedWater4Kids?
Next month a new well will be drilled in Zambia to continue bringing water to this drought stricken area. The organization continues to support Engineers Without Borders at UW-Milwaukee and the Highlands of Guatemala.
Where can I buy CannedWater4Kids?
cW4K can be purchased locally at Woodman’s Market in Oak Creek, WI or online at cW4Kor Amazon.You can also watch for cW4K at our National Parks, Universities, major hotel chains and all Watertech U training events.
How can I help?
Purchase cW4K or make a donation.To learn more about cw4K visit them at CannedWater4Kids.com.
Will Watertech be offering the 50/50 cW4K Raffle at this year’s Symposium on 9/20?
We are looking forward to this year’s Symposium that is focused on Current Trends in Water Treatment. The 50/50 cW4K Raffle was a big success at past events and we will offer it again this year with half of the amount raised going to the winner and half to cW4K. Join us on
September 20 to learn more about Current Trends in Water Treatment and a chance to support cW4K!
Watertech is excited to have such an amazing charity right in our own backyard and would like to do what we can to help. We recently spoke to cW4K CEO and Founder, Greg Stromberg. He noted, “We are proud of our work knowing we have helped over a million children have access to sustainable safe clean drinking water in Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia and the Highlands of Guatemala. We are hopeful we will continue to grow to become a national recognized brand like Newman’s Own, with the sole purpose of helping more children have water and education of its importance.”
If you have any questions about our upcoming events or our cW4K Raffle, please reach out to Lisa Kovalcik at 414-858-1498 or