of America is proud to contribute to the local non-profit charity,
CannedWater4Kids, an organization focused on bringing clean, safe water to
children worldwide.
95% of every dollar collected helps fund & deliver clean water programs to those in need worldwide

In August 2017 funding from CannedWater4Kids.org made a new well possible in Zambia. Below is a video of children enjoying water from the well.
Pictured below is a young girl who had just received
water from the banks of Lake Victoria. Her family will use this water for
drinking, cooking, laundry and the occasional luxury of washing their face.
Many children walk one to five miles each day with this task, thereby missing
school and an education all together. Lake Victoria is the third largest fresh
water lake in the world; this is shameful because it is disease ridden.

Additionally, CW4K just
purchased a POD System for a school located in Kenya, Africa. This system will
filter deadly bacteria, such as typhoid and cholera, from the local lake, Lake
Victoria. 550 students at the local Lutheran school snd 1,000 persons living
near the school will be provided with clean, drinkable water that was
previously contaminated.

To learn more about this great organization go to: