Becoming LEED Certified is an important decision for many building owners and operators. LEED provides the tools needed to improve both building performance and bottom line while also delivering a number of different benefits including:
- Lower operating costs and increased asset value
- Reduced waste sent to landfills
- More healthful and productive environments for occupants
- Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions
- Qualification for tax rebates, zoning allowances, and other incentives
- Energy and water conservation
Our blueVUE technology puts its emphasis on spurring business growth while simultaneously preserving the world’s most precious resource. It gives you the power to gather and store data from your water meters, providing you the ability for easier access to reports and information, leading to better monitoring of your water usage. These concepts directly relate to LEED’s goals for water conservation.
LEED Certification can be achieved at four different levels depending on the number of points attained. Whether you are looking to accomplish a simple certification or are seeking a few more points to achieve LEED Platinum, blueVUE can be of benefit to you.
LEED Building Design + Construction
BlueVUE can earn you up to 3 points in the design and construction of your new building. While the monitoring of your water usage is an initial requirement for LEED Certification, additional points can be attained in a couple of ways. The first is for additional sub-metering. By monitoring not only overall water usage, but also individual components of your water use (cooling water intake, boiler water blowdown, etc.) you can earn an extra point. BlueVUE makes the gathering and reporting of such data easy and efficient for your building. The second is for innovation. BlueVUE is a cutting edge technology in data collection and reporting. By making these proactive alterations to your buildings’ operations you can attain another point. To view the LEED Building Design + Construction Guide click here.
LEED Operations + Maintenance
Once your building is up and running or if you are operating an existing building, blueVUE can earn you up to 6 points for your day to day facility management. It is important to note that many of the criteria required by LEED may be practices that you are already partaking in. BlueVUE helps you to identify and legitimize the things that you are already doing for LEED standards. BlueVUE can also take your plant to the next level in water management and earn you further LEED points. These can be attained by participating in additional sub-metering, adding automated conductivity controllers, and participating in new innovative technology. To view the LEED Operations + Maintenance Guide click here.LEED Certification offers many benefits for your building performance and your bottom line. BlueVUE aims to identify building inefficiencies so that they may be quickly reacted to and fixed which means an increase in your bottom line. BlueVUE and LEED give you the opportunity to take your building to the next level in performance, technology, and profitability. To learn more about blueVUE and its many benefits click here. For further inquiry and more information about how blueVUE can assist in your LEED Certification contact us here.